I didn’t expect to get pregnant…
Pregnancy may not be what you were expecting or had planned. So right now, you might be feeling alone, scared, or uncertain what to do. We are here for you!
Does anyone have to know? What about my parents?!…
A Woman’s Choice is a safe place for you to come to get the information and help you need to make important decisions about your pregnancy. All of the services we provide are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. Our greatest concern is being here for you and supporting YOU.
As a teenager who is a minor, your biggest question might be, “do my parents need to know??” The answer is NO. You do not need parent permission to receive the services and information we provide regarding your pregnancy.
Everyone is telling me what I should do…
If you are feeling pressure from others to make one decision or another about your pregnancy, you DO NOT have to give in to that pressure. Whether it is a friend, boyfriend or parent, no one can force you to have an abortion or any other option. There are laws to protect you. We will go over all of your options with you so you can make an informed decision about your pregnancy.
What is going to happen? What do I need?…
Regardless of what choice you make, what you do about your pregnancy will have an impact on the rest of your life. So at A Woman’s Choice, we help you learn about all of the options you have and what to expect with each one. We will also provide medical services that help you know what is going on with your pregnancy and your body.
We also want you to know that there is support for you. There are programs and resources in our community specifically for teens in your situation. Not only can we help you in many ways, but we will help you find the resources that meet your needs.
You may not feel ready for this pregnancy or this decision on your own, so we are here to walk this journey with you, making sure you have all that you need to make an informed decision. You are not alone.