Our free pregnancy tests are designed to detect hCG, a specific hormone in your body that is released when you are pregnant. A Woman’s Choice provides free lab-quality urine pregnancy tests that allow us to detect pregnancy in its earliest stages. Take this short quiz to determine your likelihood of being pregnant.

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Pregnancy Test FAQs

How early can your test detect if I am pregnant?

Our tests are accurate 7-10 days after conception, which is typically after you have missed a period. If you have not missed a period completely, the hormone level could be too low for detection, resulting in a false negative. In some cases, we may suggest you return for a re-test to rule out a false-negative test.

When will I receive my test results?

Our clinic staff will perform your pregnancy test and give you your results during your appointment.

If my test is positive, how do I know for sure that I am pregnant?

In order to medically confirm a pregnancy, you will need an ultrasound. An ultrasound exam can tell for sure if a living pregnancy is present in the uterus (up to 25% of all pregnancies end in natural miscarriage).

Can I receive a confirmation for my pregnancy?

Yes, with a valid photo ID, we can provide you with a proof of pregnancy so you can apply for Pregnancy Medicaid or WIC.

What is the cost of a pregnancy test at A Woman’s Choice?

There is no charge for our free pregnancy testing services. All of our services are free and confidential.