Immediately after an abortion decision, many women report a sense of relief. Although relief may be the initial reaction, it is not unusual for women and men involved in an abortion experience to later encounter side-effects. These side-effects may arise days, months, or even years later.

After abortion experiences may include:

  • Recurring thoughts about the abortion
  • Feelings of regret, guilt, loss, anxiety
  • Depression
  • Crying episodes
  • Disinterest in sex
  • Sadness around the anniversary of the abortion or due date

This is in no way a comprehensive list of Post Abortion Stress symptoms, and we recognize that not every woman who has an abortion will experience them. However, for those that do, A Woman’s Choice is here to help.

If you are hurting from a past abortion, A Woman’s Choice in Lakeland offers    Post-Abortion Support groups and one-on-one mentoring for both women and men. This program is completely confidential and is often led by those who have had previous abortions, have experienced healing themselves and would love to help you through this process.

To get more information about this program, please give us a call at 863-683-2341 and ask to speak with Jen, our Client Services Director, or you may email her at